  reind van de riet

Ana Maria Moreno, Reind P. Van De Riet (eds.) Applications of natural language to information systems, 6th international workshop NLDB'01, June 28-29, 2001, Madrid, Spain

2. DDSS 1981: Amsterdam, The Netherlands Reind P. van de Riet, Witold Litwin (Eds.): Distributed Data Sharing Systems, Proceedings of the Second International Seminar on .

by Roel Wieringa. Yesterday evening Prof. Reind van de Riet, former chair and co-founder of SIKS passed away unexpectedly, at the age of 69. Reind has contributed to the growth .

Vortrag von Reind van de Riet (Amster dam); Di, 29.5., 16.15 Uhr, GB V, HS 113, Campus S�d. Pro Stadt - Leitlinien der Stadtent wicklungspolitik

Toda la informaci�n sobre Van De Riet: e-mail, trabajo, blogs, tel�fono, direcci�n . Authors: P. I. Elsas P. M. Ott de Vries Reind P. van de Riet Organization: DEXA Workshop .

Ralph van de Riet Reind Van de Riet Remco van de Riet Rick van de Riet Rien van de Riet Roald Van de Riet

14. DBSec 2000: Schoorl / Amsterdam, The Netherlands Bhavani M. Thuraisingham, Reind P. van de Riet, Klaus R. Dittrich, Zahir Tari (Eds.): Data reind van de riet and Application Security .

15.30-17.00 Session 8: Panel in memory of Prof. Reind van de Riet. Emerging directions in data and applications security. Organized by: Bhavani Thuraisingham.

by Bhavani M. Thuraisingham, Ifip Tc11, Wg11.3 Working Conference on Database Security 2000 Schoorl, Zahir Tari , Klaus R. Dittrich, Reind Van De Riet

10:51 Add to reind van de riet 20070425-Everglads with Prof Reind van de Riet - Part #3 by joeypai1225 75 views; 9:15 Add to 20070425-Everglads with Prof Reind van de Riet - Part #1 by joeypai1225 .

doi>10.1016/j.datak.2008.06.004: Thank you referees, authors and readers of DKE: Reind P. van de Riet: Pages: 220-233: doi>10.1016/j.datak.2008.05.002

Reind Van de Riet Remco van de Riet Richard Van de Riet Rick van de Riet Rien van de Riet Roald Van de Riet

Authors: P. I. Elsas P. M. Ott de Vries Reind P. van de Riet Organization: DEXA Workshop Enterprise Modeling within .

Vortrag von Prof. Reind van de Riet, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam http://kolloquium.cs.uni-dortmund.de/pdf/einladung1258-color.pdf. 15.05.2007. Vortrag von Dr. Wei Wang, GET/ENST .

@proceedings{DBLP:conf/dbsec/2000, editor = {Bhavani M. Thuraisingham and

reind van de riet

Reind P. van de Riet and Klaus R. Dittrich and Zahir Tari .

Reind P. van de Riet, Martin L. Kersten, Anthony I. Wasserman: A Module Definition Facility for Access Control in Distributed
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